mama needs a nap
I have slept maybe 5 hours total in the past few days. My daughter just hit six months old and is going through a mental leap. It is definitely the ugly side of parenting. When your infant goes through a mental leap or growth spurt that means you don't get much rest. My eyes are blurry and my hands are shaky. My frustration is on the rise and I am trying to remain calm. I love her and I am a good mommy, that's what I have to keep telling myself. If I don't I'm afraid I might just leave my husband to fend for himself. I can't do that though I do love her too much. My daughter is screaming and laughing and playing. She stops for just a moment to smile at me. That is when my heart melts and I come back to my happy place. She is my best friend. My insomnia and anxiety on the other hand, they loathe me. They keep me up for days and exhaust me further. They burn me out to the point that I scream at my husband and threaten to leave. I wish I could enjoy this life that I h...